Bill Dreiss is the president and trading principal of Dreiss Research
Corporation, which he co-founded in 1991. He holds an electrical engineering
degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and an MBA
from Harvard Business School, and has an extensive background in
computer modeling through his early experience in applying mathematical
game theory to problems of tactical and strategic warfare.
A pioneer of the managed futures industry, he was one of the first
commodity trading advisors to apply mechanical trading methods to
futures trading. He began trading client funds in early 1975 and
successfully managed large amounts of risk capital for several years.
In 1984, he turned his attention to commercial software development,
while continuing to trade commodities for his own account.
In collaboration with Art von Waldburg, he began research on the
application of fractal geometry to market analysis in 1986. This
work led to the development of the Fractal Wave Algorithm and the
formulation of the Choppiness Index, the tools which provide the
foundation for the trading approach used by DRC.
In addition to his work involving fractal geometry, Mr. Dreiss
is responsible for many other technological innovations related
to futures trading. He continues to research innovative trading
approaches based on new and emerging developments in mathematics.
